Monday, February 28, 2011

The Black History

In 22/2/2011, I went to The Black History. It took place in C101 at Holmes Hall. first of all, I watch a moive. the moive was about the Blach History, and what happened with them on the past. while I was watching the moive, I was gotten a pizza. After that, I had a great game. The game was about what happened on the moive and some questions about The Black History. I got some information about The Blach History. The event was successful for me. I was having a nice day. I got a background about black history. I improved my listening and my spreaking.


  1. So who are these ladies surrounding you? Did you meet some girlfriends?
    What was the name of the movie? Was it "The Black History?" Anyhow, sounds like an interesting event.

  2. they are intercultural Aides. i did not meet any girlfriends yet. The name of the movie was The Black History. the event was so interesting.
