Saturday, February 26, 2011

Japanese conversation hour (The sixth event)

On 24 february..There was special event of kind I wanted to participate in OWEN.
The people were present and participants effectively . I learned and benefited about this meeting . It was japanese meeting . I met someone and I asked him to explain about this meeting . He was collaborator.His name Yuji Kaihara from Japan.He said this meeting hapened every thuresday to help student who studying Japanes or want to study for develop them skills.
I asked Yuji if I can come to this meeting and then he said this meeting is open
for everybody and many people from different countries came to this
meeting specially for the student need some help.He also said we introduce them about Japanes culture to know more about Japan . When I asked him if I can study japanese he said its not easy to learn but you can if you really study hard . Finally we talk about develop the soccer in Japan and win asian cup for fourth time.I'm really happy to learn about this class and spend nice time with Yuji and my thanks to him .


  1. It is great that you went to the Japanese meeting. I know this meeting, but have never been to . So now you are determined to study Japanese? It is not difficult to speak, but writing is hard!

  2. Hello Nobi

    well, I hope if I can speak more then two
    languages but I think it's diffiuclt specially
    If i did't learn when I was chiled .

    ありがとうございますfor your comment
